
Research Reports

Infinity Concepts has teamed up with Grey Matter Research to produce a series of ongoing studies of evangelical Protestants in the US on topics of critical interest for church and ministry leaders. Please feel free to download this helpful research for your personal reference and to share with the other leaders on your team.

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How Donors Think: Evangelical Giving Perspectives

This report delves into the motivations and preferences shaping evangelical donors’ behavior. The report uncovers key insights, including a strong preference for tangible over intangible assistance and a reliance on trust when allocating gifts. Designed to guide ministries and nonprofits, this study provides actionable strategies to better connect with donors and maximize impact.

Helpful or Harmful? Evangelicals and Social Media

This report explores the complex relationship evangelicals have with digital platforms, revealing a stark divide between their perceived risks and rewards. While many believe social media harms the Christian faith through misinformation and negativity, others see it as a vital tool for sharing the gospel, building community, and deepening their faith. The report highlights the challenges and opportunities, offering insights for leaders to navigate this double-edged sword with intentionality and purpose.

Denominational Loyalty: What Churches Can Learn from Consumer Brands

This report delves into the often-overlooked parallels between church dynamics and business branding, illustrating how concepts like brand loyalty and customer satisfaction are not just for the corporate world. By understanding and intentionally shaping your church or denomination’s reputation, you can foster deeper connections and enhance your outreach effectiveness. Discover actionable strategies to ensure your church’s “brand” authentically represents its mission and resonates positively with both your congregation and the broader community.

What Is Sin? Evangelical Beliefs and Behaviors

This comprehensive report delves into the beliefs and behaviors of evangelicals concerning sin, revealing a complex landscape of both consensus and disagreement. The report uncovers a surprising unity across generational lines, with younger evangelicals often upholding standards of sin as rigorously as their older counterparts, challenging modern stereotypes of permissiveness among the youth.

The Giving Gap: Changes in Evangelical Generosity

This report explores the evolving patterns in evangelical giving, revealing how enhanced spiritual engagement can counteract the general decline in donations. Discover effective strategies to boost generosity and create a more sustainable culture of giving among evangelicals.

Artificial Intelligence: An Evangelical Perspective

This report delves deep into how evangelicals perceive and interact with artificial intelligence in today’s world. Learn how evangelicals are navigating a complex landscape where AI is seen as a potential tool for good and a source of concern for the future.

Church After COVID: Changes in Evangelical Engagement

We took an in-depth examination of how evangelicals not only select but also engage with their church post-covid. This report reveals that many evangelicals prioritize sermons and teaching over theology and location when selecting a church, highlighting the influence of individual pastors’ styles. Additionally, outreach efforts need to better engage older adults, suggesting a need for more inclusive strategies to address their spiritual needs.

Beyond the Label: Unmasking Evangelical Identity

Numerous studies claim to represent evangelical perspectives, yet they frequently present conflicting findings. This report conducts an in-depth analysis to uncover the associations and perceptions of the term ‘evangelical’ within both Christian and non-Christian communities.

Evangelicals in the Public Arena: Understanding Their Political, Moral, and Social Views

This report unravels the intricate tapestry of evangelical thought,
revealing the diversity of opinions on topics such as abortion, election integrity,
racism, antisemitism, free speech, censorship, and more.

Can you think of more controversial areas for us to research?

The Spiritual Journey: How Evangelicals Come to Faith

Learn what influenced evangelicals to come to their faith.

Strategic Creative Design:
Fundraising Advertising Among Evangelicals

Learn how your creative design can affect potential donors from taking action.

Who Controls the Wallet:
Giving Decisions Among Evangelicals

While a majority of Christian couples make their giving decisions together, there is still a surprising amount of disagreement and a variety of differing approaches when it comes to husbands and wives donating money. Who tends to drive the giving decisions? It was close but there was a clear winner, as the research revealed.

Race & Gender in Fundraising: Exploring the Potential Bias Among Evangelicals

Explore how race and gender in images in your ministry fundraising appeals affect evangelical Protestant giving toward your cause.

Faith & Wellness: Evangelical Insights on Healing and Physicians

We learned that many evangelical Protestant patients desire a physician who shares their religious beliefs. The healing power of prayer and the profound impact of spiritual practices on their well-being cannot be understated. However, navigating these preferences within an increasingly polarized society can pose unique challenges.

The study reveals that among evangelical Protestants, there is a strong consensus on the positive impact of spiritual practices like prayer and reading the Bible on their mental and physical well-being.

The Sustainers: Exploring Monthly Donor Partnerships

We reveal why evangelical Protestants are 27 percent more likely than donors in general to be part of a monthly giving program. This study gives insight into donation giving behavior as well as which group of evangelical Protestants gives the most and more often.

Learn what motivates this segment of the Christian faith community and how to attract these prospects for your cause or ministry.

The Renewalists: Pentecostal and Charismatic Evangelicals

We explore the world of Pentecostal and Charismatic evangelicals and how they differ from other evangelical Christians.

The study discovered some interesting attributes of Renewalists, such as they tend to be somewhat younger than other evangelicals, more likely to be raising children, more ethnically diverse, and more likely to live in less traditionally Christian parts of the country (Northeast and West).

The study also revealed some interesting findings about spiritual engagement, generosity, and online church from this sector of the evangelical community.

The Favorite Charity: Evangelical Giving Priorities

We asked evangelical Protestant donors to name their very favorite charity or ministry to support. Their answers reveal a lot about the giving priorities of evangelicals.

The most startling finding was that despite what they claim, only a minority of evangelicals actually favor a faith-based organization in their giving.

Media Matters: Evangelicals and the Media

We explore what media forms evangelicals are using. As newer forms of media have emerged, such as podcasts and streaming video, the evangelical population (like the general population) has varied considerably in their willingness to adopt new media. And now that we have an explosion of choices, evangelicals are taking advantage of this, varying their preferences according to what they are using the media for.

The Holy Land Journey: Evangelicals and Israel Travel

We learn about the strength of evangelical desire to visit Israel. The types of evangelicals especially interested in visiting Israel are those who are more engaged in their faith (attending church regularly, reading the Bible frequently, etc.), those who believe that the Jews are still God’s chosen people today, and Pentecostal or charismatic evangelicals. In addition, the younger they are, the more likely evangelicals are to be extremely interested in travel to Israel.

The Generation Gap: Evangelical Giving Preferences

We learned how evangelicals prefer to give, in terms of location, variety of organizations and causes, advance planning, research, familiarity, and trust. We also learned that evangelicals under 40 are very, very different in their giving preferences.

The Congregational Scorecard: What Evangelicals Want in a Church

At times, it can seem as though complaining about one’s church is almost a national sport.

We asked churchgoing evangelicals whether they wish for changes or are fine as is with 14 different elements of the church they attend most often. Length of the sermons, style of music preference, requests for money, political involvement or mentions in sermons, racial diversity, women in leadership, and much more are addressed in this enlightening study.

The Jewish Connection: Evangelicals and Israel

There are many evangelicals who financially support Christian organizations that serve Israel and the Jewish people, as well as many Jewish and Israeli charities. Without evangelical support, many of these organizations would struggle to survive.

The Generosity Factor: Evangelicals and Giving

Even though giving and generosity are cornerstones of Christian doctrine, one out of every five evangelical Protestant adults in the US did not give a penny to either church or charity in the last 12 months, and half are estimated to have given away less than 1% of their income. Find out if tithing is a meaningless debate in this brand new study.

The Ripple Effect: Congregations, COVID, and the Future of Church Life

Because of COVID-19, more than three out of every four evangelical Protestants in the US have experienced watching church online instead of attending in person. More important is that going forward, the majority who did, now want to make online viewing part of their normal church experience.

How will all this impact churches, denominations, and parachurch ministries that partner with local congregations? Find out the details in this study.

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