Let us be honest: capturing the attention of your audience amidst the noise can be a challenge. But with the right strategy, you can not only reach...
Easy as ABCD: Leveraging the Power of YouTube Video Ads
It is no secret that YouTube is the number one video platform for consuming informational, educational, and entertaining content. With more than 2...
Crafting the Perfect Email Subject Line
Would you like to boost the open rate of every email you send? There are several factors that determine the open rate of your email sends—timing,...
From Clicks to Contributions: A Guide to Effective Nonprofit Email Campaigns
Email marketing stands as a formidable ally for nonprofits, offering a direct channel to connect with supporters and drive donations. However, the...
Striking a Balance: Quality vs. Quantity in Campaign Responses
In the dynamic world of marketing, the quest for effective strategies often boils down to a fundamental choice: quality or quantity. As marketers,...
URGENT: Crafting an Urgent Message that Aligns with Your Brand
Have you ever seen an email hit your inbox that stirred emotion in you and created such a sense of urgency that you immediately open it? Maybe it...
Break the Bad Habit of Recycled Ministry Content
The definition of recycled content is to use content created for one setting, like a blog, a sermon, or a letter and reuse it for another setting,...
Cultivating Donations: The Power of Welcome Drip Email Campaigns
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, capturing the attention and support of potential donors is a challenge that organizations face daily....
Ways to Promote Your Next KidsMin Church Outreach Event
Summer is winding down, but your church’s children’s ministry is most likely ramping up for the next wave of family-friendly functions....
Could Cognitive Load Be Hurting Your Advertising Efforts?
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or confused by an advertisement, you’ve personally experienced cognitive load in action. Cognitive load...