
A Better Alternative

by Mark Dreistadt | Mar 11, 2022 | Church Growth, Consulting, Leadership

My long-time friend and colleague, Phil Cooke, recently posted a blog article entitled: Leaders: There May Be a Better Alternative Than Hiring Full Time Employees

Phil is known for being both provocative and insightful. His television production and consulting experience during the past 30 years give him a unique perspective on ministry that is consistently valuable.

In the article Phil profoundly stated, “As churches and ministries grow, most pastors and leaders are convinced they need to hire more full-time employees. Perhaps it’s the security of having the team around all the time, or maybe it’s a loyalty issue, or perhaps it’s the mistaken idea that to understand the DNA of an organization you have to be there full time. Whatever it is, thinking only in terms of full-time employees hurts the organization and can actually hold it back.”

Ponder that thought for a moment…

Hiring more full-time employees can actually hold an organization back; it can lower a church’s potential; it can reduce an organization’s effectiveness. How can this be?

This article really resonated with me and I decided to post a reply. I thought I would share it with you as well. 

Churches or non-profits will look for positions like a Communications Director, Marketing Manager, Social Media Coordinator, Graphic Designer, etc. While these positions certainly have merit, many organizations – especially churches – require multiple skill sets within that single portfolio that are greater than any single individual may possess. Consequently, more often than not, the leadership is disappointed in the results the new employee delivers and the employee is frustrated by the unrealistic expectations.

This is one of the great benefits an agency provides… FOR EXAMPLE: When we take on a project for a client – let’s say a digital media campaign – there are multiple people with diverse skill sets required to complete the task: A Strategist to develop concept, Account Manager to spec out the creative brief and manage the process, Writer to curate and edit the copy, Graphic Designer to create branded elements and ad sets, Programmer to build out the back end, Proofer to ensure that everything is done accurately, and a Media Director to determine and optimize the buy.

By engaging an agency, you get all of these skill sets delivered at a professional level. One individual cannot be good at all of these skills. Consultants, freelancers, and agencies fill in the gaps and raise the level of quality.

It has been said that a smart man learns from his mistakes… but a wise man learns from others how to avoid the mistakes. Consultants, freelancers, and agencies are for the wise.

While hiring outside talent may appear expensive, it is often more cost-effective than trying to manage things internally. Virtually all of the top companies and non-profits in America work with consultants and agencies on a regular basis… perhaps you should too.

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Mark Dreistadt

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