
The 3 Main Reasons You’re Not Using Twitter

by Infinity Concepts | May 20, 2013 | Digital

All hail Twitter… the giant social outlet that only permits short 140 character blurbs of content to be shared at a time, but still has users carrying conversations, companies sharing industry news, and organizations leading discussions!

According to socialmediadd.com, there are 177 million tweets sent per day and 460 thousand new accounts created every day! Not to mention that 55% of tweeters are using Twitter as a source of news and to stay-up-to-date with their favorite brands. So why isn’t your organization using Twitter yet?

The three main reasons you aren’t using Twitter:

1) “I don’t know what the point of Twitter is.”                                                

Twitter is a social networking site that provides a space for conversation with your followers aka your target audience. Additionally, Twitter is a great place to post thoughts, pictures, ask questions, and invite people to events. Twitter is also a great place to run promotions and contests to really engage your followers. Your followers are able to “favorite” your tweets and “retweet” your posts to share with their followers. Essentially, Twitter can be a great marketing tool to create awareness, drive engagement, and nurture relationships!

2)   “I don’t know what to tweet.”                                                                         

Your options are endless! Your followers WANT to hear what you have to say. The most important thing to remember when tweeting is your audience. Why is this important to them? Why will they care? Tweet your upcoming events and activities, thought provoking questions or ideas, articles or news stories related to your industry, and even photos with short descriptions. Remember, tweets can only be 140 characters (including spacing) which isn’t all that much wiggle room; however, these short blurbs of information prove to be effective and engaging!

3) “I can’t keep up with Twitter.”                                                                           

We can nip this right in the bud! You should be using a social media dashboard such as HootSuite or TweetDeck which actually manages your account! These tools allow you to schedule your tweets to auto-send at designated times so you can set aside time every morning or once a week to schedule out your tweets to ensure you keep up and provide new content for your followers. Although these tools help boost your presence on Twitter, it is important to make sure you still respond to any of your followers who tweet you back! Any engagement on Twitter suggests you are doing something right, so don’t forget about them!

No more excuses! You are now ready to start tweeting and sharing everything with your followers! You will soon notice your audience responding to tweets and sharing your content with their friends. As a result, you may reap the highest reward of expanding your social media presence and increasing your reach.

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Infinity Concepts